Find information about the people you need to know from local, state, and federal data sources.

Why US ?

  • We have 800+ million records on 300 million people
  • We process more than 25 billion records annually
  • More than 40 data points in full reports
  • Records date back to [1940] and are updated daily
  • No membership is required. Pay only for what you need
  • Live research team helps you find the right report
  • You get access to more than 300 online and proprietary data sources
  • 100% Guarantee! If we don't have a report on the person you need to know, we will refund your purchase.

The Value of Background Reports

  • Aliases
  • Address history
  • Phone numbers
  • Email Addresses
  • Age and DOB
  • Property records
  • Family relations
  • Professional history
  • Criminal history
  • Civil judgments
  • Liens
  • Bankruptcies
  • Marriage and Divorces records
  • Death Records

Why are public records so important?

We live and work with so many people nowadays that it’s easy to lose track of who they really are. Online dating, co-workers, new neighbors, school parents and even teachers - you may like them, but do you really know them?

Public records allow you to verify full names, age, date of birth, email addresses, marriage and divorce history, professional records, aliases, relatives and much more.

Detailed background checks on people show you if they have arrest records, felonies, misdemeanors, civil judgments, liens or bankruptcies.

You will be more comfortable in your own home when you know your neighbor’s property records, evictions and full address history.

Simply, public records are important because they keep people honest and give you peace of mind.

About us

The People Background Check mission is to improve access to national public records and give people the tools to find, research and know the people in their lives and communities.

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Words from our happy customers…

Thank you for helping me research Jeremy Lemley before our first date. I felt so much better knowing where he was from, where his family lives and details about his background. I'll let you know how it goes ;)

Linda Charleton

careful college student

I met a person at a networking event and wanted to check them out. I found his background report really helpful, but now he has some explaining to do. Thanks for the insight.

Ken Hanson

wise business consultant

Often I look up boyfriends, their parents and even neighbors. It makes me feel better to know as much as I can.

Jenn Lee

cautious mother of 3

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